A Study of Dharma: Free Course Preview

Dharma - Hanuman

The universal order, the rising and setting of the sun and moon, and the passage of the seasons all fall under the broad heading of dharma. Dharma also refers to a way of living that embodies proper conduct. This can include religious rites, social duties, or adherence to sacred text. Dharma is a manifestation of the fullness of our humanity, appearing as compassion, charity, kindness, truthfulness, and never causing harm to others. Dharma also has a spiritual dimension and can be understood as the practices and lifestyle focused on enlightenment and liberation from this world.

Dharma is a topic that Dr Sutton has studied and taught for decades and now – years in the making – we have a new course: A Study of Dharma.

If you haven’t caught any of Dr Sutton’s lectures on this topic, you can get a free preview of the first session of his newest course.

You can watch the videos below and click here to download the notes.

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