Many years ago, before the internet even, Dr Nick Sutton started to commit his prodigious learning to paper.
These writings became the basis for course notes which were taught around the UK for many years, from the ’90s to the ’00s.
These courses were legendary.
Many of his ideas were tested and reformulated to become the basis of our first batch of current online courses in 2008.
The reception was amazing and laid the groundwork for the Continuing Education Department we are busily growing today.
And so the next step was to take some of the notes, specifically his translations and commentaries on the Gita and Yoga Sutra, and publish. And so we did.
We polished the texts and re-formatted them from course notes into books and self-published them. One of the wonders of our time is the ability to experiment with publishing; to cut out the middleman and see if we could find our audience. And we did, and our accountant, and students, and readers worldwide were pleased.
And so it came to pass that the middleman, Mandala Publishing, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, approached us with an offer to publish. They offered beautifully produced books with proper marketing and a much broader reach and we agreed.
The first two titles are now with us. They are available on Amazon or you can order them at your local bookshop or ask your library to get them in.
And they really are beautifully produced. Many of you will know from Dr Sutton’s teaching and writing that he has an uncanny ability to take exceptionally complex ideas and make them accessible and relevant.
These are the first titles in a proposed series so keep an eye out for more