We’re delighted (and excited) to announce the release of our newest course – Women in Hinduism.
For production of this course we brought our A-Team.
It was written by Prof. Mandakranta Bose – a fellow of the OCHS, Director of the Centre for India and South Asia Research at the University of British Columbia, and author of A Woman’s Rāmāyaṇa amongst many other titles.
The video lectures were taught by Dr Jessica Frazier, another OCHS Fellow and one of our most accomplished lecturers.
And tutoring will be done by Gitte Poulsen of the OCHS Shakta Traditions Project and manager of our Kathmandu office when it’s not locked down.
As you can imagine, finalising a project like this under lockdown is quite a feat but the result is amazing and I’m sure this course will be one of our very best!
In this course we travel the path from the feminine divine as a central concept in Hinduism to the actual role of women throughout history. We look at women’s role in sacred writings, in worship, in culture, and in society from the Vedic period to the modern.
New courses always have a special energy when many of our old friends rejoin us for the latest journey.