Following our most successful term ever you might think we’d be sitting around taking a well-deserved rest. But you would be wrong!
In fact, we are working hard at finding brilliant new course developers to create brilliant new courses for you.
We try not to talk about new courses until they’re ready, but there’s so much good stuff in the pipeline that we have to share it.
First of all, we have Prof. Gavin Flood writing a course on Tantra. A hugely important topic brought to us by the person who wrote the most highly regarded book on Tantra. Early indications are that this will be the course to follow.
We are in the early stages of a course on Buddhism by Lisette Hededal. This will be a study on Buddhism in its own right and also in the wider context of Hinduism.
Dr Chris Fici is writing a course on Hinduism and Ecology and it’s difficult to think of a more timely subject for a course.
Prof. Purshottama Bilimoria has promised an overview on Hindu Philosophy and the OCHS’s newest PhD, Dr Alan Herbert is creating a course on the Study of Religion. Both of these are invaluable tools to add context to your more specific studies.
There is a course on Shakta Traditions and another on Modern Hinduism and of course Dr Sutton is busy as always with a course on Yoga Sutras, one on Vaishnavism, and one on the Mahabharata.
These courses all have different production schedules and these can shift, so no release dates yet.
So stay tuned by opting in to our mailing list and I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as there is some movement.