Welcoming Prof. Gavin Flood to the Team

Prof. Gavin Flood
July 4 2022

In 2008, the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies started teaching online with a single course: Understanding Hindu Identity.

By 2016 we’d grown this to seven. We’d discovered that there’s a real need for solid, accessible, and unbiased teaching on Hinduism backed up with specially written notes by leaders in their field.

And so we began an ambitious expansion programme that has given us 33 courses as of this year.

Naturally this required an increased structure to our Department which led to the creation of our Curriculum Development Board (CDB). We are pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Gavin Flood as chair of this Board. He will oversee and participate in the creation of all new courses and look at ways to create a coherent curriculum around these.

Prof. Flood is already the tutor and producer of our Tantra course. He is also one of the most respected scholars of Hinduism in the world. As well as being a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA), he has long served as the Academic Director of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, and is author of many key texts in Hindu Studies.

We are honoured that he has now found a calling in Continuing Education and recognises the importance of this vital segment of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies.

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